April 11, 2017
On behalf of Sydney Stone…
Please help me share her essence in building a “Character Wall”!
Please, take a moment to read this and I hope that many of you will feel comfortable enough to share…
I was recently asked by the District Attorney’s office to prepare a “Victim’s Impact Statement” for the trial. This was incredibly difficult, I mean how to do you put the value of a loved one’s life and what their loss means to you in a paragraph? While working on this (and it was most definitely longer than a paragraph AND I sent pictures!), it got me to thinking. While the DA is acting as Sydney’s voice, we can too. She is not here to defend herself but perhaps if each of you would send me a paragraph (or longer) of who she was, how Sydney touched you and your life, we can help the court get a better feel for what an amazing person she truly was and how this lifetime will so dearly miss her. I can’t have her being simply a docket # in the court system…
I would like to build a character wall for Sydney. Would you please give your name, relationship to Sydney and share how you feel about her, what you miss and how the lose of her has impacted you? Even if you know her through me or Aubrey, I want to hear from you!!!! Or of our relationship together!! I would like to share this information with the DA. They need to see, hear, feel her impact so the truth of her is shared!!
If your not comfortable sending as a comment here, please message me!! Text me! Email me!! Share this so everyone can help!!
Thank you so very much!!!
Love to you all…
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