February 20, 2017

Day 58 It is so hard to imagine having been without Sydney’s beautiful smile, infectious laugh, sarcastic wit and her deep love for me, her family and friends and all she believed in for 58 days. It’s still so hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that she isn’t going to come running through the door with some crazy story and that laugh! This weekend we took a bit of Sydney to share her with the world in a place she would love, Delray...

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February 8, 2017

Day 46. A little memory lane….So grateful we married Aubrey off when we did! ?. The original plan was that Aubrey & Kevin would wait until May of 2017 to get married but for whatever reason, we all agreed…what was the point to wait! If you are in love, just do it! So we planned the wedding in 6 weeks!! And we had so much help from friends and loved ones to make it a beautiful day! Aubrey asked Syd to make their wedding cake and all the...

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January 29, 2017

Being completely vulnerable (as always), Sundays are probably one of the harder days for me as a mom and friend, missing my Sydney. It was our “snuggle & pink blankie pj veg day”. Sometimes we had hours and sometimes only an hour but it was always quality and treasured. As we were cleaning up the christmas stuff this year, I found the present Sydney had left for me. I hestitated opening it but did and in it was just another reminder of just...

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January 23, 2017

Day 30 – Perspective Someone recently said to me, “As a parent, this is your worst nightmare, losing a child.” And they are correct. But I come from a positive outlook on life and I am a survivor and can’t be anything other than what I am. Sydney knows this about me and I believe she is counting on it. Some people have asked, “Does this test that foundation”? Yes indeed, and especially on certain days but then I think of all the beautiful...

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January 22, 2017

Day 29 A reminder of my beautiful Sydney…. A friend of mine was sweet enough to send me this song and said it made her think of Sydney and our incredible loss. It is beautifully written and performed. The saving grace is that we all have the benefit and blessing of Sydney being with all of us at all times now. She is within everyone she touched and I will make sure that you all hold her and all she stood for in your hearts ?. It is my mission!...

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January 18, 2017

Day 25. Love to Sydney. Always and forever baby….and we will find our way with your love and...

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